Friday, January 1, 2010

Backyard Farm Day3

Today's task was to put a mural up in Waylon's room. We've had it for more than a year, but we're just getting to it now. A while ago, my mother offered to help, but she always took me shopping instead. We just decided to do it. It was harmless, I gotta say. Took about 2 hours. My advice, be liberal with the glue. The instructions say to be sparse, but they lie in every way. Also, wait to cut the edges. If it's not dry, you're going to tear the paper. As you can see, yes, we did give a 2 year old a bunk bed. Don't care what anyone says, it was a stroke of genius for us. This is a kid who won't go down the back steps unassisted. He wants no part of the upper bunk and the lower bunk makes him feel like he's in a crib. This kid won't even leave his room through an open door unless we give him the ok. Anyhow, I think he's got a nice lodge feeling in there and we both envy his room.

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