Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Backyard Farm Day 9

So sorry, I was down with the flu yesterday and did not blog. Yes, yes, chickens will be coming, but not yet. Today it was raining, so we were confined to the indoors. As a result, I decided to put power in the barn. This is stage 1 of 2, and as this unfolds, you'll see how to put solar power into any space you want. No big mother power, but a simple setup that will let you run a tv, some lights, maybe a record player, and charge a drill. That's all the power I'll ever use. My barn is for hanging out. I simply bought a deep cycle 12v battery from Sears for $70. I bought an AC inverter from Radio Shack on sale for $19.99. Put the two together and there's magic. As soon as I get it, I'll show you how to hook the solar panel to the battery. Suck it, Edison. I also included a video as a trial run. Dig the This Old House music. Suck it, for rolling your eyes.

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