Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Backyard Farm Day 4

Okie Dokie. Today, for the first time in my life, I mowed a lawn. Maybe, because I'm a priviledged snotty pants, I was giddy as a toddler. I was fortunate enough to score a lawn mower from my brother-in-law, Marc (Thanks, dude), and away I went. The reason being, despite asking the gardeners over and over again to use a higher setting, I took business into my own hands. I'll still pay them to do the other crap, like blowing and edging, but I'm gonna hit this. Grass needs to be at least 2 inches thick, in my opinion, if not more. We're not going for a speedy surface. This lawn is for falling down by both toddlers and tanked up parents who hit the sauce heavy at our place. I admit, it's not powerwheels friendly, but keep that off my lawn anyhow.
For those of you who have been following, the barn goes in tomorrow. We ordered and extra foot of height in the walls and double doors. On my way to pick up my workshop stools. Fancy Craftsman ones from Sears!

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