Monday, January 25, 2010

Backyard Farm Day 13

Ok, storm for the ages has past and the glorious Los Angeles survived it. Still more storm to come tonight, but in the meantime, I got to work. I started installing paneling in the barn. I got gorgeous tongue and groove boards at Home Depot and I started putting up the radiant barrier on the ceiling. It already makes a difference. The cat spent the night in there last night when he was shut in during a nap in the loft. Pathetic mews echoed from inside this morning. Also, we have a coop inside a coop. Those ladies are going to be safe, indeed. We've decided to up our number of hens to 5 or 6. ALERT! ALERT! ALERT! Chickens are coming home this weekend! This week is a huge week. Our garden is being tilled and the solar panel is going up.

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